Since July 6, non-emergency repairs can be reported to Stadswonen again. A message informing you of this was e-mailed to all residents. This message can be read and downloaded here. Read and download the accompanying instruction for visiting contractors here.
The activities of the on-site maintenance staff (made up of residents from this building) have also resumed. When they conduct a repair the following protocol applies.
Coronaprotocol maintenance staff
1. To protect the members of our maintenance staff, we kindly ask you to let us visit your residence while you are away. We can access your residence by using a master key. You can give us permission for the use of this key in a reply to the maintenance staff when they contact you (they will always contact you through e-mail). This practice was already widely used before, to conduct repairs when residents weren’t available at the scheduled time.
2. If you do not wish to give this permission we kindly ask that you properly vent your residence before our visit. You have to maintain a distance of 1,5 meters to our maintenance staff members at all times.
3. If you have any flu-like symptoms please postpone your reparations request to a later point in time. This also applies when you would not be present in the residence. For emergency repairs please contact Stadswonen.
4. Our maintenance staff members can personally decide no to conduct a repair when they determine that they are exposed to too great of a risk of infection. The building managers will then contact you.